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Help on Response in module requests.models object: class Response(builtins.object) | The :class:`Response <Response>` object, which contains a | server's response to an HTTP request. | | Methods defined here: | | __bool__(self) | Returns True if :attr:`status_code` is less than 400. | | This attribute checks if the status code of the response is between | 400 and 600 to see if there was a client error or a server error. If | the status code, is between 200 and 400, this will return True. This | is **not** a check to see if the response code is ``200 OK``. | | __enter__(self) | | __exit__(self, *args) | | __getstate__(self) | | __init__(self) | Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature. | | __iter__(self) | Allows you to use a response as an iterator. | | __nonzero__(self) | Returns True if :attr:`status_code` is less than 400. | | This attribute checks if the status code of the response is between | 400 and 600 to see if there was a client error or a server error. If | the status code, is between 200 and 400, this will return True. This | is **not** a check to see if the response code is ``200 OK``. | | __repr__(self) | Return repr(self). | | __setstate__(self, state)

| close(self) | Releases the connection back to the pool. Once this method has been | called the underlying ``raw`` object must not be accessed again. | | *Note: Should not normally need to be called explicitly.* | | iter_content(self, chunk_size=1, decode_unicode=False) | Iterates over the response data. When stream=True is set on the | request, this avoids reading the content at once into memory for | large responses. The chunk size is the number of bytes it should | read into memory. This is not necessarily the length of each item | returned as decoding can take place. | | chunk_size must be of type int or None. A value of None will | function differently depending on the value of `stream`. | stream=True will read data as it arrives in whatever size the | chunks are received. If stream=False, data is returned as | a single chunk. | | If decode_unicode is True, content will be decoded using the best | available encoding based on the response. | | iter_lines(self, chunk_size=512, decode_unicode=False, delimiter=None) | Iterates over the response data, one line at a time. When | stream=True is set on the request, this avoids reading the | content at once into memory for large responses. | | .. note:: This method is not reentrant safe. | | json(self, **kwargs) | Returns the json-encoded content of a response, if any. | | :param \*\*kwargs: Optional arguments that ``json.loads`` takes. | :raises ValueError: If the response body does not contain valid json. | | raise_for_status(self) | Raises :class:`HTTPError`, if one occurred. | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | Readonly properties defined here: | | apparent_encoding | The apparent encoding, provided by the chardet library. | | content | Content of the response, in bytes. | | is_permanent_redirect | True if this Response one of the permanent versions of redirect. | | is_redirect | True if this Response is a well-formed HTTP redirect that could have | been processed automatically (by :meth:`Session.resolve_redirects`). | | links | Returns the parsed header links of the response, if any. | | next | Returns a PreparedRequest for the next request in a redirect chain, if there is one. | | ok | Returns True if :attr:`status_code` is less than 400, False if not. | | This attribute checks if the status code of the response is between | 400 and 600 to see if there was a client error or a server error. If | the status code is between 200 and 400, this will return True. This | is **not** a check to see if the response code is ``200 OK``. | | text Content of the response, in unicode. | | If Response.encoding is None, encoding will be guessed using | ``chardet``. | | The encoding of the response content is determined based solely on HTTP | headers, following RFC 2616 to the letter. If you can take advantage of | non-HTTP knowledge to make a better guess at the encoding, you should | set ``r.encoding`` appropriately before accessing this property. | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | Data descriptors defined here: | | __dict__ | dictionary for instance variables (if defined) | | __weakref__ | list of weak references to the object (if defined) | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | Data and other attributes defined here: | | __attrs__ = ['_content', 'status_code', 'headers', 'url', 'history', '... (END)

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