RDP via SSH tunnel

Connection Schema
Step by Step
SSH server setup
SSH client setup
Router Port Forwarding
Open session with client
Configure RDP on Server
Connect to RDP from Client
Putty Tunnel
Related Articles


Goal is to connect to server behind router from the external network.

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Putty Tunnel

And if on request

«How to forward ports?» you can go here →

Port Forwarding

Setup is depicted below ↓

Connection Schema

rdp connection configuration via SSH image from www.aredel.com
If you need a normal laptop, and not like in my picture - go to the site Нотик.ру

Step by Step Guide

The task itself is quite challenging and can be separated into six smaller steps

SSH server setup
SSH client setup
Port Forwarding on Router
Open session with client
Configure RDP on Server
Connect to RDP from Client
We will need router, putty and freesshd.

1. SSH server setup

1.01 Install and run freeSSHd. Create a key so that the server does not swear, then change it to a new key.

RDP Remote Desktop Connection via SSH Tunnel image from www.aredel.com

1.02) There are nuances here, at the moment I prefer to choose "Нет"

RDP Remote Desktop Connection via SSH Tunnel image from www.aredel.com

1.03) The freeSSHd icon appears in the tray, select Settings

RDP Remote Desktop Connection via SSH Tunnel image from www.aredel.com

1.04) Of course, you need to issue permission to the firewall.

RDP Remote Desktop Connection via SSH Tunnel image from www.aredel.com

1.05) In the Authentication section, allow only key access

RDP Remote Desktop Connection via SSH Tunnel image from www.aredel.com

1.06) Go to the Users menu

img src="/networks/img/rdp_ssh_img/rdp_ssh2.jpg" class="img40c mt3" alt="RDP Remote Desktop Connection via SSH Tunnel image from www.aredel.com">

1.07) Add new user

RDP Remote Desktop Connection via SSH Tunnel image from www.aredel.com

1.08) View after adding

RDP Remote Desktop Connection via SSH Tunnel image from www.aredel.com

1.09) Run on server PuTTYgen

RDP Remote Desktop Connection via SSH Tunnel image from www.aredel.com

1.10) Generate key pair

RDP Remote Desktop Connection via SSH Tunnel image from www.aredel.com

1.11) The public key that remains on the server must be copied from the top window

RDP Remote Desktop Connection via SSH Tunnel image from www.aredel.com

1.12) Paste the public key into a text editor, check that it is on one line and starts with the word ssh-rsa

RDP Remote Desktop Connection via SSH Tunnel image from www.aredel.com

1.13) Save the key as a text file, the name should be the same as the user that was previously created (in our case - sini)

RDP Remote Desktop Connection via SSH Tunnel image from www.aredel.com

1.14) Remove extension

RDP Remote Desktop Connection via SSH Tunnel image from www.aredel.com

1.15) Agree

RDP Remote Desktop Connection via SSH Tunnel image from www.aredel.com

1.16) Show freeSSHd key path

RDP Remote Desktop Connection via SSH Tunnel image from www.aredel.com

1.17) Сsave the private key, which then will need to be transferred to the client computer As a result of previous manipulations, we have a running SSH server and a key pair.

Remote Desktop Connection RDP via SSH tunnel image with
    www.aredel.com site

2. Configure SSH on the client computer

2.18) On the client computer, you need to put the private key in a folder created in advance for it

RDP Remote Desktop Connection via SSH Tunnel image from www.aredel.com

2.19) On the client, start PuTTY and create a connection named sini. In the Host Name (or IP address) field, specify the desired external ip server, because he is behind the router, it will be the router ip.

Change the port to 443 or some other, just pick carefully the one that is not used.

RDP Remote Desktop Connection via SSH Tunnel image from www.aredel.com

2.20) In the Auth field, specify the path to the private key

RDP Remote Desktop Connection via SSH Tunnel image from www.aredel.com

2.21) Choose a key

RDP Remote Desktop Connection via SSH Tunnel image from www.aredel.com

2.22) Create a tunnel

Port 3389 is the standard port for RDP. We will use port 3391 on the client as «entrance»into the tunnel.

The image below shows what we have aligned. local port 3391 port 3389 on IP

RDP Remote Desktop Connection via SSH Tunnel image from www.aredel.com

2.23) Save the session. Enter SERVER IP to the Host Name field

RDP Remote Desktop Connection via SSH Tunnel image from www.aredel.com

At this stage, we have prepared an SSH connection that the server listens on port 443.

Just in case, I clarify that in this example the IP server on the local network

An external IP server is an IP router. In the picture, it is smeared, in your case it will be your external IP, i.e. something similar to

configure RDP connection via SSH

Port forwarding on the router

3.20) Задаём на роутере привязку MAC адреса сервера к какому-нибудь ip адресу

RDP Remote Desktop Connection via SSH Tunnel image from www.aredel.com

3.21) Объясняем роутеру, что когда идёт запрос по 443 порту нужно передать его именно серверу (делаем Port Forwarding – Проброс портов)

RDP Remote Desktop Connection via SSH Tunnel image from www.aredel.com

Putty на клиенте

4.22) Открываем сессию

RDP Remote Desktop Connection via SSH Tunnel image from www.aredel.com RDP Remote Desktop Connection via SSH Tunnel image from www.aredel.com

Настройка RDP - На сервере

5.23) Создаем пользователя sini

RDP Remote Desktop Connection via SSH Tunnel image from www.aredel.com

RDP Remote Desktop Connection via SSH Tunnel image from www.aredel.com

RDP Remote Desktop Connection via SSH Tunnel image from www.aredel.com

RDP Remote Desktop Connection via SSH Tunnel image from www.aredel.com

RDP Remote Desktop Connection via SSH Tunnel image from www.aredel.com

5.24) Обязательно создаем пароль

RDP Remote Desktop Connection via SSH Tunnel image from www.aredel.com RDP Remote Desktop Connection via SSH Tunnel image from www.aredel.com

5.25) Разрешаем доступ по RDP

RDP Remote Desktop Connection via SSH Tunnel image from www.aredel.com RDP Remote Desktop Connection via SSH Tunnel image from www.aredel.com RDP Remote Desktop Connection via SSH Tunnel image from www.aredel.com RDP Remote Desktop Connection via SSH Tunnel image from www.aredel.com

5.27) Добавляем Синего в список пользователей, которым разрешён доступ по RDP

RDP Remote Desktop Connection via SSH Tunnel image from www.aredel.com RDP Remote Desktop Connection via SSH Tunnel image from www.aredel.com RDP Remote Desktop Connection via SSH Tunnel image from www.aredel.com

Настройка RDP - На клиенте

6.28) Запускаем на клиенте mstsc (сперва нужно открыть SSH туннель, если он был открыт нужно проверить не закончилась ли сессия

RDP Remote Desktop Connection via SSH Tunnel image from www.aredel.com

6.29) Подключаемся к localhost:3391

RDP Remote Desktop Connection via SSH Tunnel image from www.aredel.com

Вводим пароль

RDP Remote Desktop Connection via SSH Tunnel image from www.aredel.com

6.30) Соглашаемся

Подключение к удалённому рабочему столу RDP через туннель 
    SSH image from website www.aredel.com

Заметка для OpenBSD

Имеем компьютер в СПб (ПК_СПб), сервер на OpenBSD в МСК (СРВ_МСК) и локальный компьютер, подключенный к серверу в МСК (ПК_МСК). Цель - подлючиться с ПК_СПб к ПК_МСК через ssh туннель по rdp с помощью putty из-под Windows.

Делать нужно так же как описано по ссылке, но на первой картинке отметить

Local ports accept connections from other hosts

Source port можно выбрать любым из свободных, напрмер 6789. В поле Destination указать


При подключении по rdp (последняя картинка) можно указать

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