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~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ NVIM v0.7.0 ~ ~ Nvim is open source and freely distributable ~ ~ ~ type :help nvim<Enter> if you are new! ~ type :checkhealth<Enter> to optimize Nvim ~ type :q<Enter> to exit ~ type :help<Enter> for help ~ ~ Sponsor Vim development! ~ type :help sponsor<Enter> for information

Nvim nvim nvim-intro Nvim is based on Vim by Bram Moolenaar. If you already use Vim see nvim-from-vim for a quickstart. If you are new to Vim, try the 30-minute tutorial: :Tutor<Enter> Nvim is emphatically a fork of Vim, not a clone: compatibility with Vim (especially editor and VimL features) is maintained where possible. See vim-differences for the complete reference of differences from Vim. Type gO to see the table of contents. ============================================================================== Transitioning from Vim nvim-from-vim 1. To start the transition, create your init.vim (user config) file: :call mkdir(stdpath('config'), 'p') :exe 'edit '.stdpath('config').'/init.vim' 2. Add these contents to the file: set runtimepath^=~/.vim runtimepath+=~/.vim/after let &packpath = &runtimepath source ~/.vimrc 3. Restart Nvim, your existing Vim config will be loaded. See provider-python and provider-clipboard for additional software you might need to use some features. Your Vim configuration might not be entirely Nvim-compatible. See vim-differences for the full list of changes. The 'ttymouse' option, for example, was removed from Nvim (mouse support should work without it). If you use the same vimrc for Vim and Nvim, consider guarding 'ttymouse' in your configuration like so: if !has('nvim') set ttymouse=xterm2 endif Conversely, if you have Nvim specific configuration items, you could do this: if has('nvim') tnoremap <Esc> <C-\><C-n> endif For a more granular approach use exists(): if exists(':tnoremap') tnoremap <Esc> <C-\><C-n> endif Now you should be able to explore Nvim more comfortably. Check nvim-features for more information. ============================================================================== vim:tw=78:ts=8:noet:ft=help:norl: nvim.txt [Help][RO] 7,15-60 12% ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ [No Name] 0,0-1 All :help nvim

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